
how it came to be
The portal to Jackalope Land was founded by Sammy in 2017 from the corners of her imagination. In the beginning she created her own showgirl costumes in a small bedroom in London, and was quickly inspired to start an etsy to share her creations with her friends. With every piece made, Jackalope Land gained traction, her skills as a designer grew, and so did the store. Sammy has not stopped creating fantastical clothing ever since.
who is sammy?
Sammy grew up around the world, moving from Australia to India to Japan to Malaysia to Indonesia before finally moving to London to study costume design for theater at Wimbledon College of Art. Before founding Jackalope Land she worked as a professional stage dancing unicorn, a flamingo at the London Zoo, a mermaid, and a childrens party princess under the name “Sammy Sparkles” with her rainbow bunny rabbit "Magical Zebedee". Basically, she has always done her best to make everyday life a fantasy.

what is jackalope land?
At its core, Jackalope Land is a fantasy realm where wild minds roam. A vast land with innumerable ecosystems and biodiversity, creatures and vegetation, and even magical communities that have yet to be discovered. Our team here on earth just so happens to be the first explorers of this land, and in return we bring back what we can to share the magic. Why? Because here at Jackalope Land, we are dedicated to helping people find their sparkle.
Not only do we make everyone look fabulous, we also strive to find the most ethical resources and give back to the community through donations. You can read more about our impact here!
We are also lucky enough to have a dedicated team of full time jackalopes that help run the day to day magic, as well as beautiful friends and freelancers who help bring our ideas to life.
Meet the Team!

founder & designer

production manager

sequin Overall angels
Mari + KC

Pillars of Jackalope Land
Your life is full of magic if you believe it is.
- Sammy