

Once upon a time there was a magical mermaid with sparkling elf ears, beautiful art covering her body and red hair made from fire. She swam at the depths of the ocean but we were lucky enough to have her here on earth for a short 33 years. She was an authentic bad-ass, wild as they come and didn't give a fuck in all the right ways. 

Gracie Perkins was a girl who made you feel like you could do anything- like you could stay out until sunrise dancing on a speaker dressed as a half naked unicorn, like you could love harder, be stronger, cooler and do more than you ever imagined. She made you feel invincible, loved and special as she was- she was real life magic. 

If you knew her, I believe you were one of the luckiest people on Earth.. If you didn't- maybe we can share some of her magic with you. 

I created these pieces for my beautiful friend- my friend who gave me so much and supported me right from the start. My friend who I loved so, so much- and who was lost far too early. I said I would never create anything black but it was all Gracie wore, and damn did she wear it well. 

While I don't believe it is humanly possible to create a piece that is as beautiful as she was- I tried my best. I made pieces with replicas of her beautiful tattoo designs, pieces that carry little parts of her within them. Pieces that maybe, just maybe, will allow you to feel as bad-ass as Gracie was. 

The world lost a true original, a shining light and superstar, and this collection is for Gracie. She did a million things for a million people- so now, this one is for you, beautiful girl.

All proceeds from this collection will be going to help fund Gracie's funeral, and beyond that- will be donated to the Pitbulls that she used to rescue in Vancouver. 

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